About Us

The Borderlens shares research-driven stories from Northeast India's borderlands, highlighting its people, culture, livelihoods, and geopolitics.

Message From the Founders

The Borderlens is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to providing an alternative space for storytelling about the eastern borderlands, its people, culture, livelihoods, sustenance, local economy, the land, ecology, rivers and waterways, trade and commerce, as well as security and geopolitics.

This initiative is a culmination of several years of research, travel, and reconnaissance involving journalists, scholars, members of the civil society, and filmmakers from all over the country.

The founding director or the initiative is Mr. Bidhayak Das, a writer, journalist and a social science scholar on humanities and peace studies. His foray into the life of borderlanders spread across mostly South and South East Asia and also different parts of Pacific, Africa and the Middle East has led him and other like-minded personalities from North East India and outside to conceptualise this one-of-a-kind, unique repository that helps to bring out stories from the borderlands.

Keeping people as the focal point, both literally and metaphorically, The Borderlens sets out with the aim of bringing to fore the different dimensions of life along our borders and beyond it.

Our research-driven assessment of the fast-changing security situation along India’s eastern frontiers, the changing geopolitical dynamics, and the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic convinces us to explore newer methods of news dissemination ideas and think out of the box.

Stories of people, such as the hill and plain tribes and other communities who inhabit these places and their lifestyles would add a very important dimension to not just getting the messaging right about our borderlands, but also help build constructive, people-centric, and humane perspectives around the mentioned issues and keep us all connected to the reality on the ground.

Our Support

We are presently funded by our members of the Social Action for New Alternatives (SANA) which is a non-profit organisation based out of Guwahati and working to support new ideas and ventures on development, good governance and free media. Besides this, generous contributions from individual donors, friends and well-wishers have helped to raise the initial seed-funding for setting up the initiative.

We shall collaborate with organisations which promote storytelling with an aim to help mainstream the hinterlands that make up most of our land mass and population. We are currently working on plans to initiate fund raising from different groups, agencies and foundations which supports such unique ventures as part of independent journalism and storytelling through digital platforms.

Policies on Fact-Checking and Misinformation Ethical Responsibility and Due Accuracy

The aim is to identify and address viral misinformation, particularly clear hoaxes that have no basis in fact.

For our platform, trust of the audience is the most important aspect and to do this we rely on accurate, fair and balanced reporting and information dissemination through the content we upload.

We are greatly concerned like all other professional media and research based organisations about the proliferation of false and misleading news on social media. Thus, we have developed our own monitoring mechanisms which aims to address these concerns.

Attaining due accuracy in all our content as far as possible is our objective. In our pursuit of due accuracy we take into consideration the subject and nature of the information being provided, the expectations of the audience etc.

We will strive to give most accurate account which is corroborated by the direct stakeholders of the news in every single report.

Thank You

Bidhayak Das
Founding Editor

Nayanjyoti Bhuyan

Copyright © 2025 The Borderlens. All rights reserved.