‘School Boat’ brings hope to underprivileged students in Tripura

The Tripura School Education Department has launched a new initiative to provide free transportation for underprivileged students living on the islands of Dumbur Lake in Gumati district. The...

The Tripura School Education Department has launched a new initiative to provide free transportation for underprivileged students living on the islands of Dumbur Lake in Gumati district.

The ‘School Boat’ service aims to address the communication bottleneck that has been preventing students from attending school regularly. With no other means of transportation available to them, students have been unable to afford the boat ride fare, especially during the monsoon season when water bodies become treacherous.

The Dumbur Lake, which is surrounded by 48 islands, is located 120 km away from the state capital, and fishing is the primary source of income for the residents of the islands. The Dakmura Gumati Senior Basic School, which has 100 students, has been struggling with low attendance due to the communication bottleneck.

According to a report, the Dakmura Gumati Senior Basic School has been struggling with low attendance due to the lack of means for students to travel to school, especially during the monsoon season when water bodies become treacherous. Around 50 students, who come from various islands of Dumbur Lake, have been unable to attend school regularly due to the high cost of boat ride fares.

The school boat service was launched with the help of Rs 1.20 lakh released under Samagra Shika Abhiyan, a project that focuses on output-based education. The initiative is expected to make a significant impact on the lives of underprivileged students and their families, who have been struggling to access education for a long time.


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