Myanmar Military Resumes Attack on Victoria Camp, 5 CNF Cadres Killed

Following up their attack on the Victoria Camp of the Chin National Front (CNF), the Myanmar military junta attacked the camps once again today, on December 10, destroying...

Following up their attack on the Victoria Camp of the Chin National Front (CNF), the Myanmar military junta attacked the camps once again today, on December 10, destroying much of the camp and killing five cadres of the CNF.

Speaking to The Borderlens, sources said that 5 CNF cadres were killed and the attack which was carried out from fighter jets was close to border outpost number 26 along the international border which Myanmar shares with India in Champhai district ofĀ MizoramĀ State.

Earlier, on the 9th of November 2022, Myanmar Now had reported Myanmar Military carried out airstrikes near Indian border. No damages or casualties were reported, said Chin National Front (CNF) a group based near the border. The group’s spokesperson Salai Htet Ni informed that the CNF Brigade 3 base located 10km from the state capital, Hakha was attacked by fighter jets without any prior warning or fighting.

He also added that there were two reconnaissance flights over the area prior to the attacks and that they suspect more attacks in the future.

The military has been trying to retake Northern Chin State under local resistance forces since the fall of Thee Bridge, a strategically important location, late last year. Sources suggested that the fighting in the area is likely to escalate in the coming months as the military is preparing for a dry-season offensive.

(With source inputs from Myanmar Now)

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