Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a significant two-day visit to Bhutan on Friday, marking his first official trip to...
The Borderlens Desk
Modi’s Bhutan visit commences: Top civilian award, bilateral talks await
Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a significant two-day visit to Bhutan on Friday, marking his first official trip to...
The Borderlens DeskPrime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to Assam, inaugurated the ambitious Rs 498 crore Kamakhya Corridor project on Sunday,...
The Borderlens DeskIn a tribute to the late former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma asserted on...
The Borderlens DeskIn a statement on Wednesday, NCP chief Sharad Pawar expressed concern over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s apparent disregard for the...
The Borderlens DeskChief Minister Pema Khandu of Arunachal Pradesh recently took to Twitter to express heartfelt gratitude and celebrate the cultural diversity...
The Borderlens Desk